


  1. Start by filling in your name on the form below our cancellation policy, It doesn’t have to be your government name or anything that reveals your identity. Just something for us and our Dommes to address you by.
  2. The date field is required for the reservation to be successful. We have multiple reservations daily, to assure the date you have in mind is free, you have to fill it in and also a duration, supposing you wish to remain with us for a few extra days.
  3. Complete filling the form with details where neccessary. For example, your dungeon or domme preference if you have any.


 Cancellation Policy :

All bookings are paid for in advance at the time of booking. In the event of cancellation, providing at least 72 hours notice is given, we will give you the option to reschedule your booking for a future date. Please note that preferred dates for rescheduling may not be available due to increasing amount of bookings.
If you choose not to reschedule, or if less than 72 hours notice is given, we will refund you as follows:
More than 72 hours notice – 75% refund
24-72 hours notice – 50% refund
Less than 24 hours notice – no refund.